Thursday, December 08, 2005

speaking of collecting, i've been piling up little pieces of paper of awesome quotes spoken by friends and family alike. here it goes:

Geneviève, on november 25th, 2005 was expressing her bewilderment at people who play air guitar. she was doubting the satisfaction people could really derive out of it until other people forced her to admit to the following: "I understand people who play air guitar, because i myself play air triangle... but that's because I have triangle experience."

Heide, sweet Heide, on november 29th, 2005. we were driving down the highway, slowly enough to notice every possible details about the cars around us. there was a sign on one of the cars' window that said: we were all wondering what that meant, really, until you provided us with this enlighted quote: "Regarde la femme à côté, j'pense qu'elle écoute pas bien son corps." the woman in the car was, indeed, a little bit on the heavy side but none of us could have put it in such a nice way.

Betty, oh dear, Betty. you had been back in Montreal for only a few days that you were already putting us on the spot. one morning over breakfast you proceeded in telling me about how i needed to find myself a banana (that is, a girl who is yellow on the outside and white on the inside as you later explained).
Betty: Toi, j'me disais que ce que tu aurais besoin, c'est d'une banane.
Fred: Tiens (donne une banane à Jacinthe) une banane!
Betty: Non, mais pas ton genre de banane à toi Fred!
Betty: Ah! Tiens, pendant que j'y pense Fred, y'a de la saucisse vietnamienne dans le frigo.
Fred: Ce que tu me dis c'est que j'ai besoin d'une saucisse vietnamienne, hein?

same day, at night, guitar jam at Marcy's, where some of us were 'jamming' with little or no success. i was looking at my numb fingertips remembering this story i had read about cutting jalapeno. about how if you touch the seeds, your fingers burn for days. words of (not so) wisdom: "Right now, i'm having a jalapeno moment."

more quotes to come. i find they come out faster than i can take them down.


At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my friend, preston--who is not really a friend anymore, but was--

he and his family (fucked up family, but family all the same) had a tradition of eating a jalapeno at the end of every dinner.

a real jalapeno.

so when i went to his place for a dinner party, i was like, "yeah, sure, i'll partake in this jalapeno business. crazy, but"-- i thought i could handle it because i'm so big on spicy foods, love things to be so spicy they make my nose run.

but he hands me this weird waxy green raw pepper and i took a tiny nibble and my mouth was ON FIRE For days. i did my best, kept nibbling.

but mostly i kept watching HIM and how he just devOURed it, totally USed to it, like it was nothing. he was conditioned to it, like it was nothing.

my mouth still hurts thinking about it.

that was maybe the most impressed i've ever been with him. and, asshole that he is, he's a pretty impressive person.


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