Friday, March 17, 2006

interesting discussion with s. this morning. one topic in particular came up that requires further thinking, but i'm still putting it out there. it's not like it's anything either one of us has invented, but i'm sure it can generate a lively debate.

so, open to discussion:

how much do you think a person's (or a people's) language shape their way of thinking?

for instance, in japanese and mandarin there are two different words used to signify love:

恋 (pronounced lian)
爱 (pronounced ai)

now the translations differ a little bit, as far as i understand, in these two languages, but what remains essentially is that one refers to a romantic (or passionate) attachment. whereas the other one refers to, you know, after the honeymoon phase where the relationship becomes more of an everyday thing. not necessarly less passionate, just maybe more commonplace. falling in love as opposed to staying in love, maybe?

now, french does not exactly have two words that convey similar meanings which leaves me to wonder whether that affects the way we love. whether when we're done falling, we're also done loving. and if so, what makes the fall worthwhile?

on the same level, the expression 'i miss you' does not existe in mandarin or japanese. in mandarin, you'd most likely say something like 'i'm thinking about you' which, if you ask me, you could say to a lot of people that you don't necessarily miss.

so, well, it seems like need to think about this further.


At 6:29 AM, Blogger cynicalcosmopolitan said...

oui, c'est des mots delicats... mais des fois je m'etonne de voir a quel point les gens peuvent les semer a quatre vents sans vraiment penser a leur signification plus profond.

j'aime bien ta conclusion. words of wisdom!



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