Monday, December 26, 2005

i've just finished reading a book i had been carrying around for the past weeks, both because i had a bunch of non-fiction stuff to read and because i thought i ought to take my time to savour it.

and now i am mourning. i mean, maybe this just happens to me but i'm not entirely sure. you know sometimes how you finish a good book and you find yourself thumbing back through it for a moment? and then you realize that you'd feel like reading it again for the first time, making sure to get it all in. after that, usually i feel a bit silly and decide to put the book back on the shelf and find myself wondering whether i should start a new one or what. sometimes i do, when the book i've just finished wasn't so meaningful, but today i decided to observe what i've come to call book loyalty. i've remained faithful and loyal to the memory of these last few pages, until, well until i can't take it anymore and head back to the bookshelves again.

as for tonight, well, i have a copy of Courrier International - geopolitical news and commentary. sure to put me in the right mood for some well deserved zzzzz.


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