Saturday, January 07, 2006

i was a bit disgruntled while reading the newspaper this morning. the sad state of canadian politics. the lack of any alternative option, really, that is viable and not xenophobic. but, this, amused me to no end edible ballot society. it's a group of random lunatics who encourage citizens of most western 'democracies' to eat their ballots as a way to protest this precise lack of choice. apparently, though, there are laws preventing this, a fact that also amuses me to no end.


coffee with c. this afternoon. i seriously don't remember the last time i went for coffee with someone without having a precise topic on the agenda. definitely before s. left. i've known c. for years and have had many interesting discussions on the sidelines of a basketball court but we've never exactly hung out. last time, though, we promised each other we'd get together over the christmas holidays.

she says the most random things:

- "i have this line in my head, be careful not to fall asleep on a plane because you never know where you will wake up. i'm not too sure what i should do with it."
- "it is odd, you know, going around with only a thin layer of rubber separating you from the rest of the world."

streetkid turned punk-circus-chick turned granola dyke turned 34-year-old reading dante and inventing names for her one woman band.

i don't know whether we'll ever do this again, but, it was fascinating in a very odd way. i'm not exactly sure i understand where she comes from or even most of what she says, but i still like to hear it.


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