ok. there is being discreet and being a murphy, apparently. my dad just informed me, matter-of-the-factly, that my grandmother is suffering from a certain kind of leukemia. 'there is nothing much they can do about it, he said, and i told them that at 90 it's not worth for her going through the process of chemio.' while i totally agree with this and i am sure my grandma would if she was still 'all there' i think it's a bit sad that i had to inquire about her medical appointments in order to know. ah well, i guess there is no way i can change them now.
my grandma, as cute as she is, told me today that she was going weekly to give blood (in fact, she's seeing a doctor to make sure her white cell-count is still ok). 'i'm giving blood to the red cross, i think they told me, for the soldiers at war. but i think i'm going to stop soon, i've been giving blood every week for a while now, i've done my share.' i don't know who told her this, but yeah, it's absolutely brilliant.
when i came back home, i checked my answering machine : 6 new messages. i was a bit annoyed to have to this endless banter - i guess i've been feeling a bit antisocial - until i realized that grandma had phoned 6 times (i think she was checking to see if i was on my way) and hung up every single time.