i've just watched the first hour of 2046, essentially the sequel of In the Mood for Love by Wong Kar Wai. it's quite brilliant. there is something about the colors and the camera angles that absolutely fascinates me in both of these movies. the soundtrack is absolutely haunting, too. of course, it's in mandarin, cantonese and japanese, so one more reason to like, yes?
two interesting quotes stolen off the first few minutes:
"Before, when people had a secret that they didn't want to tell, they'd climb a mountain, find a tree and carve a hole in it. They'd then whisper the secret in the hole and cover it with mud. That way, nobody else would discover it. I've once fell in love with someone and then she wasn't there. I never knew if she liked me or not. Maybe it was a secret that she didn't want to tell."
"Her boyfriend was a drummer in a jazz band. She really like him and compared him to a bird that would never land. (...) She had spent years looking for a legless bird."
ouin en plein ca!
2046, par contre, c'est un peu plus deprimant. mr. chow est devenu un ladie's man, un coureur de jupons! mais, bon, il a tout plein de petites reflexions brillante et merveilleuse.
puis, bon, les couleurs sont belles, le cadrage est completement off pis la musique est traditionnelle et moderne en meme temps. faut le voir, surtout si tu as aime le premier.
apres avoir fini de le regarder, par contre, ca m'a remis un peu en question, mais j'ai pas encore etabli de reflexion precise... peut-etre a suivre dans un prochain sujet de blog!
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